Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Art Fair Update

I really never think anyone reads the junk that I write here, and so usually I'm just writing to get stuff out of my head. But apparently some of you actually want to know what happened with the Art Fair, or the Extortion Exhibit, as Jean put it. See below if you haven't read about the Art Fair yet.

Well, in all honesty, I was too chicken to show my face at the Art Fair after I'd complained so much about it. I wrote the principal once, and he responded with some answers the art teacher had given him. That led to my last rant, and I sent him another email. He graciously responded to that as well, saying that he was sorry that my concerns hadn't been resolved. Then we got a note home from the art teacher saying that she was mistaken. That sending in the RSVP didn't obligate you to purchase anything, and that if you RSVP'd, then your kids' work would be framed, and you could choose to purchase it or not. Okay, that sounded more reasonable. So basically one of the parts that irritated me so much was just her misunderstanding the way it was supposed to work. Not that it alleviated my concerns about basically being pressured into buying my kids' work, but at least they weren't trying to rope me into something unaware.

Then, of course, in true school fashion, the principal's monthly newsletter came out, and in it was printed the old info, the part about RSVP = purchase. By this point, I figured I was too tired of the whole mess to care. Neither kid seemed concerned with going, so we decided it was best to skip it. (Yes, I chickened out!)

So, on the night of the art fair, Anna had dance, and one of her dance friends goes to school with her, so I laughed out loud when Misty showed up at dance and said she'd just spent $60 on her kids' artwork at the art fair. I think she thought I was crazy. She's not on Facebook and hasn't read or heard my rants. So then I had to explain the whole email war...and she just looked at me like, why get so worked up about it? LOL.

So, I have not gotten the kids' artwork back yet, but I'm not hopeful. Just this past Friday, they brought home the Art-by-Me pictures they did for the fall art fundraiser. I figure at this rate I should get these latest pictures by, oh, September, maybe?

I'm sure the Art Fair was a huge success. The school got about $6 for every frame they sold, so I know they made $12. If they sold 20 frames, they made $120. It's just too much money to ask parents to spend for their own kids' work. I can go to Walmart or AC Moore and get a frame for around $6. Maybe if and when they bring home the artwork, we'll go and do just that.

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